Sunday, June 19, 2011


CROQUE MONSIEUR:   EUROPE  ( serves  6 )


12 slices sandwich bread
6 slices turkey ham
12 thin slices Gruyere cheese


  • Butter the slices of bread. Place a slice of cheese on 6 pieces of bread; cover with a slice of turkey ham then another piece of cheese.
  • Top each one with another slice of buttered bread. Melt a knob of butter in a frying pan. Place two Croque Monsier in the pan and cook on a low heat for 5- 6 minutes each side.
  • The bread should be golden and the cheese melted. Continue with the other sandwich, adding a little more butter to the pan each time. Serve hot wtih a green salad.
TIPS  - It's a popular French bistro or cafe sandwich. The name means 'crispy mister'. You can add a thick Mornay sauce on top, sprinkled with some more grated cheese and then set under a broiler to melt the top cheese.

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