Saturday, June 18, 2011




For the samosas
250 g flour
260 ml water
1 tsp salt
5 tbs oil
250 g lamb fillet
2 onions
2 cloves  garlic
1/2 red chillie
2 tsp ginger, ground
2 tsp curry powder
1 tbs lemonjuice
1 tbs tomato puree
1 tbs fresh mint, chopped flour, for rolling out
1 egg white
oil, for deep- frying
For the tomato raita:
200 g yoghurt
100 g tomatoes, diced
25 g onion, diced
1 tsp  fresh coriander, chopped
1/4  tsp cumin, ground
Salt and freshly ground pepper


  • Mix the flour and salt on a work surface, add 2 tbs oil and 60 ml  warm water and knead to a smooth dough, working in another 50 ml or so of water. Wrap in foil or clingfilm and put into the refrigerator  for 2 hours.
  • Cut the lamb into approximately 1 cm cubes. Peel and finely dice the onions and garlic.Wash, deseed and finely chop the chilli. Heat 3 tbs  oil in a frying pan and sweat the onions and garlic until translucent.
  • Add the chilli, ginger, curry powder and coriander and fry for about 1 minute. Stir in the lemon juice, then add the lamb and 150 ml water and simmer without a lid over a low heat until the liquid has evaporated.
  • Then stir in the tomato puree and mint and leave to cool. Knead the dough again, then cut in half and roll out one half  on a floured work surface to a rectangle measuring approximately 20X 42 cm.
  • Cut into 7 strips measuring 20 X 6 cm. Repeat with the other half of the pastry. Put approximately 1 tsp of the filling on the top end of each strip of pastry and fold the pastry diagonally over the filling.
  • Keep folding until all the pastry is folded over the filling. Brush the last edge with egg white and press down to secure. Heat plenty of oil in a deep- fat  fryer or a pan and fry the samosas a few at a time at 180c .
  • The oil is hot enough when small bubbles  form on the handle of a wooden spoon held in the oil.
  • For the raita, stir the  yoghurt, then all the ingredients and season to taste. Serve with the lamb somasas.
TIPS:  Tomato raita is an indian salad recipe that is a side dish served with a variety of indian  rice or bread. It is easy, healthy and quick. You can add green chilli along with or instead of black pepper according to your taste.Serve immediately or after cooling in the fridge.

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